
    • Cancelled our Asia trip
    • Wipes and disinfectant spray with us
    • Skip middle airline seat
    • Secondary airports – avoiding major hubs if possible
    • Ziplock bag for remotes in hotels
    • Spray disinfect carpet in rental car where feet go
    • Washing hands always

2020 certainly dealt travelers like us a knockout blow. In February, we were just putting the finishing touches on a planned trip to Asia, scheduled for later in the spring, and boom, less than a month later we are in complete lockdown. Our 8 week trip to southeast Asia which had been booked for 6 months, due to depart middle of April 2020, now on indefinite hold. When lockdown was announced we cancelled our trip and begged for the miles and companion pass to be reinstated. British Airways came through on both requests – Bless them.
I am sure you had some plans dashed by COVID-19 as well. 2020 brought new meaning to the words “flexible” and “pivot” to not only daily tasks and chores, but travel plans as well.

By the end of July 2020, COVID-19 counts were down, summer temperatures were up, lockdown had slowed the spread, and it looked like we could get away for a quick 4 day domestic trip to Montana to celebrate my lifelong friend’s 60th birthday. First time on an airplane in many months, we took every precaution.

The good news was, Southwest Airlines was still blocking middle seats in late July. We didn’t touch ANYTHING in the boarding area. As soon as we boarded, out come the wipes, which we proceeded to use on every surface we touch or might touch. Arm rests, seat belt latch, seat pocket, fold down table latch and surface, window shade, overhead storage compartment, and call buttons. We were very thorough. We also used the airport restroom, prior to takeoff so we wouldn’t have to use the cramped one on the plane which contains lots of high touch surfaces. We brought our own water bottles, because at this time, airlines were not providing beverage service. So basically, disinfected and kept to ourselves. When we arrived at our destination, first stop was a restroom to wash our hands again.

We flew into secondary airports and drove to avoid the crowds at major airports, always wore masks, brought Clorox wipes and travel size Lysol spray. Upon arrival, we got our rental car and wiped down and loaded the luggage, again with the disinfecting routine on all surfaces in the car. we sprayed the inside, and floor mats with Lysol, to kill any germs that might have been tracked in on our feet. Buttons and controls, inside and outside handles, vents, even spray on the carpet. Intent was to make a germ-free bubble and stay there. We kept a canister of hand wipes in the car and used them upon returning to the car each time we stopped for food or gas along the way.

We attempted to eat outside at restaurants, (July in Montana and quite pleasant), as we had read UV light from the sun killed the COVID-19 germs. We turned into complete germ-a-phobes believing it is better to be overly cautious than be sick. Being sick is a good way to ruin a nice trip. ?

The good news is, the tedious and involved process worked and none of us came down with COVID-19. That said, there are likely other steps and precautions you have discovered that you can share with us. We are planning on getting the vaccine once it becomes available and asking for some sort of proof of vaccine which we can use with our passports once we are allowed to travel internationally again. We still expect we will have to have proof of negative COVID-19 tests, within 72 hours of travel, even after having both doses of the vaccine. As it stands right now, we have an international trip planned for Croatia and Montenegro in the spring of 2021, fully refundable. So we will see if it materializes or not, closer to departure time. Until then, we wish you healthy travels and stay safe.

Kathy & Mike Barfield